How often do you check in with your divine self?
So often we have days that don't feel quite right but we just keep pushing through without stopping to even ask...
"What is it that I need right now?"
Well it is amazing when we actually do ask our SELF & the answers come swiftly when we don't overthink it
It's simply aligning your energy to receive from the divine
Its really just creating sacred space to refine the shift between the frequency of the unconscious mental activity and the higher consciousness available to you!
Ask Divine source, what is it that I need right now?
Is it support, is it rest, is it a hug, is it direction?
What ever it may be, take it into meditation, breathe it into your being and receive it!
Observe what happens in your psyche when you ask? Does your mind tell you have no right to ask or that its silly to even ask? Maybe it is telling you that you don't deserve what you need? Perhaps you feel someone else should be giving you what you need?
What you need has its own frequency and feeling, when we attune to it we can adjust our frequency to attract it with our own majestic magnetic life force!
Whatever your mind is saying, be the observer then swiftly send your mind to the naughty corner and come back into the depth of your breathe, allow the breathe to take you away from the frequency of the mental body gently ushering you into your emotional body & into your heart
Feel into what it is like to truly receive from the deepest place of love... let that drop deeply into your being, you deserve to receive and drink deeply of the etheric love and support available to you... believe it
Receive it
You are now adjusting your atomic frequency to match that which is available to you
You are deeply loved & worthy to receive at the deepest levels
Visioning Meditation
Clear the space with sage or palo Santo, light a candle, make yourself comfortable
Consciously drop out of your mental activity
Connect with your divine self, come into present time
Take some time to clear your sacred space and breathe light and energy through your energetic pathways
Use your breath as the vehicle to clear the density in your physical and emotional bodies
Breath deeply in for 4 and out for 4 until you are completely present
Connect to the heart of the Mother Earth and the heart of the Father - Christ - allow the light to anchor you between both hearts
Receive their unconditional love and light
Breathe into the balance your own masculine and feminine energies
See your being giving & receiving in equal measure
Visualise your torus moving through and around you clearing limitations and drawing more light into your entire SELF
Open yourself to divine support and call in your guides, angels and ancestors of the highest light - greet them and ask for their guidance & support
Feel the depth of the connection and allow gratitude to flow through
Become timeless in this higher realm as your highest self
Dream in your visualisation connected to the frequency of what you need
Allow it to flow through in present time
In the now you are with creator
In the now you create
Have awareness of the geometry of your need and where it is in your sphere
Breathe it into alignment, Breathe it into your subtle energy bodies & atoms
The breath is the vehicle and the tool for recalibration of your highest heart codes
Your soul memory and gifts are accessible
Bathe in the knowing of your ancient abilities and ancestral guidance
What do you see, what are you dreaming into that space
This is your creative space
This is the dreaming,
Weave your visions in gently and with purity & much love
Use your breathe to integrate the vision into into every atom & through your energetic bodies
Anchor the light between both polarities of heaven & earth
Set your intentions of protection & divine connection within your column of light
Set your vision into your sacred space, feel it, receive it in present time
Smile as you receive it & feel deep gratitude
Thank your guides & ancestors
Ground your energy and come back into your physical body
Sit for a moment observing the lightness in your being
Bring your awareness back into the alignment in your physical, emotional, mental & spiritual bodies integrating them as one
Remember this is always accessible to you
Blessings of the highest light
The Connection Programme
21st & 22nd August
Temple Byron - Byron Bay
We are creative beings just like the Divine source that created us
Accessing those abilities is simply a breath away
This weekend workshop is full of energetic tools and practices for the everyday light workers, empaths & energetically aware souls
Now more than ever, these tools are crucial for balance, support & protection
Facilitated at the enchanted Temple Byron, created to align your deepest connection to the ancient healing arts of the subtle energy bodies
Come back to your sacred self in a safe container with like resonant souls
Light workers, empaths, therapists, Mamas
All who are awake to spiritual connection are welcome
You will experience:
Welcome to country by our local Arakawal custodians
Traditional Smoking ceremony
Sacred space & intention setting
Connection practice
Chakra wisdom
Pineal gland wisdom
Chakra meditation
Divine Guest speaker
Crystal Bowl Sound Journey
Meridian Wisdom
Meridian Yoga
Meridian Meditation
Shamanic drumming circle
Food as medicine
Seasonal organic morning tea & lunch
To secure your spot
For more information